Stamped Plans

Building plans are required to be stamped by a licensed architect or professional engineer who is registered in the state where the structure will be built. All plans from National Lumber's Engineered Wood Products Division and BFS Truss & Panel will also be stamped upon request.

Stamped plans from National Lumber's Engineered Wood Products Division

Reviewed by Engineers

National Lumber's Engineered Wood Products Division can help you with this important aspect of your project. Our team will provide engineering services for our engineered wood products which are used as components in the completed structure.

An engineer registered in the state where the building is located will review the plans National Lumber generates to validate and stamp them.

Registered engineer signs stamped National Lumber plans

Benefits of P.E. Seal

Affixing the Professional Engineer (P.E.) seal is perhaps the most important statement that can be made by a practicing engineer.

When used on a set of engineering plans or documents, the P.E. seal promises to clients, regulators, and the public at large that the documents meet the exacting standards of a professional who not only is qualified by education and experience to evaluate the contents but also is ethically bound to safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of the public.

Source: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Certified Affidavit Example

Certified Affidavits

Size and placement of the engineered wood products and connectors installation is reviewed by National Lumber on the jobsite with a punch list. Then an engineered wood products installation review report is provided with a certified affidavit for building inspectors.


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