Panelization was utilized for this residential development in South Boston, MA


Advantages and Benefits

Consider the proven benefits of panelization, such as lower construction costs, lower disposal costs and smaller environmental impact.

Build more profitably by building smarter.

Advanced Framing Techniques

Rethinking the building process and using advanced framing techniques is more environmentally friendly and will help you build more profitably. Our experts focus on reducing the amount of material used in a building as well as reducing the waste on the building site — building smarter.

Some advanced framing techniques include:

• Utilizing Engineered Wood Products (EWP) in floors, walls and roofs

• Prefabricated wall panels

• Designing with roof trusses, and floor trusses

• Purchasing pre-cut, ready to install framing components

• Purchasing prefabricated components, such as, stair stringers, dormers, etc.

• Designing the project to dimensions of framing materials (2’ increments)

Ready to Install

The quickest, most cost-effective way to begin is to make the most of pre-cut and ready to install framing components. Providing materials in a “ready to install” state is a growing trend in the building materials supply industry. Panelizing, componentizing and prefabrication can be applied to almost every project.

The advantages include:

• Little or no on-site waste

• Faster construction cycle

• No on-site loss of material

• Purchasing only the correct amount of material

• Limited installation errors

National Lumber offers these value-added services with a minimal charge for pre-cutting materials; however, when compared to the cost of dumpsters, wasted material, lost time, lost material and lower labor costs, the savings can be significant.

Precision end trim I-joists being installed

Benefits on the Jobsite

Framing contractors who have used a pre-cut engineered I-Joist floor system from National Lumber found that they reduced framing time by one day compared to a previous building with the same floor plan built using nominal length I-joists.

The savings came from the floor system only — the pre-cut I-joists were labeled to correspond to the full color layout provided by National Lumber’s Engineering Department to speed up installation and ensure proper placement.

Imagine the possibilities of using our entire engineered floor package, and ready-to-install wall panels, roof trusses and precision end trimmed components.

Learn About Manufactured Components


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